Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is a thrilling adventure fraught with challenges, victories, and most importantly, lessons.
Our company founder, Lisa, takes you on a candid exploration of the 10 pivotal lessons gleaned from four years at the helm of Economics Design. Let’s dive into the wisdom, mishaps, and growth that have shaped this entrepreneurial voyage
The Power of People: Crafting Your Dream Team
People are the heartbeat of any consultancy business.
Discover the critical role individuals play in shaping deliverables and business success. Lisa shares insights on navigating the unpredictable terrain of hiring, avoiding cookie-cutter job descriptions, and the importance of aligning with evolving company culture. Learn why cutting costs and embracing adaptability in your team can be the key to sustained success.
Strategic Business Priorities: The Roadmap to Success
Every company has a growth story.
Uncover the hierarchy of business priorities, from finding product-market fit to optimising operations and fostering a strong identity and culture. Learn to adapt your strategies based on the current stage of your company’s growth, ensuring a well-rounded approach to success.
Deliverables and Client Expectations: Navigating the Client Landscape
Delivering what clients want in a rapidly evolving field can be challenging.
Lisa shares insights on explicit communication, aligning expectations, and the importance of legal contracts. Understand how a transparent approach can elevate client relationships and pave the way for long-term success.
Decision-Making Mastery: The Art of Corporate Governance
Navigating the entrepreneurial maze with confidence.
Learn the necessity of corporate governance in decision-making processes. Discover the structured approach to decision-making, including making money, optimising operations, building a strong team culture, and implementing governance measures. Uncover the keys to preventing and addressing mistakes on your journey.
Adaptable Hiring for Sustainable Growth: Matching Talent to Your Rhythm
The hiring landscape evolves as your company grows.
Dive into the challenges of finding the right talent at different stages of company growth. Understand the importance of hiring individuals who resonate with your company’s growth phase and objectives. Lisa advocates for an adaptive hiring strategy that aligns with current priorities.
Building a company is a dynamic journey filled with twists, turns, and invaluable lessons. Lisa’s candid sharing of these 10 lessons serves as a guidepost for aspiring entrepreneurs. As you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, may these insights light your path and inspire you to forge ahead with resilience and wisdom. Stay tuned for more episodes as we continue to unravel the secrets of building a successful company in the ever-evolving landscape of business.